So I went to Milan and Florence last week. Now I’m in one of those periods we sometimes find ourselves in when our environment shifts heavily away from our usual routine and then back, and our point of view stays shifted. I went on for about 3 hours yesterday with my producer about this rare sense of possibility and personal freedom that’s suddenly overtaken me. I expressed my tendency to squander it and my desire to not do so this time. I mentioned this blog, I mentioned my Italian friends new and old, I dreamed ambitious dreams while he responded with some very wise words in a similar vein. But last night I sat down to write this as a springboard for taking active charge of my creative destiny and my brain went CLOMP. Deadened like a pillow case full of wet socks.
I was going to start a series of little stories about my conversations with taxi drivers. It was going to be funny and surprisingly interesting, but I just couldn’t make the blood in my head move. Congealed neurons and flagging spirits conspired to render me speechless and this blog entry textless. But lo’ did I wake and get dressed only to find I had done so an hour too early, and verily did I take it upon myself to squeeze out a few words here so I wouldn’t be too bitter about last night today.
And it was so. But now this thing isn’t about anything. Here’s the groundwork then: Taxi drivers and I have fairly deep conversations. They tell me stories about their lives and give me advice (mostly in the field of romance). Lately the subject of masculinity and femininity has taken center stage… and I’ve been framing some of my current and late relationship problems in terms of the taxi driver’s stance just to see where that gets me. It gets me scared. Ok not really. Curious to know what taxi drivers think about man-woman relationships? Yeah well I’ve already written too much about nothing to spill a bunch of something here at the end. Come back later and I’ll have some really good stories to share. These guys have some surprisingly refined views of modern relationship problems.
Oh, and about the usefulness of eating pussy.