So I was fucking around with the new mint ipad app, of which I am incidentally a big fan, yesterday. It’s not super self explanatory beyond the data it shows you up front (mainly in the form of a pie chart of this month’s current spending trends), but I swiped a little just to see if anything would happen. And it landed me on a page that super confirmed what I had feared all along. Ever since special lady friend left me, I’ve been spending more money than I’ve earned. So I got this chart with red all over it. Kinda scary actually, because I don’t know what to cut. All my spending seems to be semi-necessary impulse stuff (like train tickets in Italy or taxis home from the city at 3AM). So today’s fun-tivity will be coming up with a plan of attack. Maybe I’ll even write a post here on what I come up with. Maybe not. Probably not. Who am I kidding, this is my last post ever.
Something for your Christmas spirit: Father Christmas – The Kinks